Aug 15, 2007

Selamat Hari Lahir Ayahanda

Selamat Hari Lahir Buat Ayahanda Tersayang. Semoga ayahanda sentiasa sihat sejahtera. Semoga ayahanda dimurahkan rezeki. Semoga ayahanda bahagia dunia wal akhirat. Sesungguhnya ayahanda adalah ayah terbaik di dunia ini. Takkan ada galang gantinya. Anakanda dan seluruh ahli keluarga ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Lahir Buat Ayahanda. cium

Always There For Your Daughter

Every day the whole year through,
I feel grateful you are my father.
Some fathers don't have time for their kids,
But for you I'm never a bother.

You always make the effort to listen and share;
You're always there when you're needed.
It warms me to know how much you care,
And with that knowledge my worries are defeated.

Dad, you are truly admired and adored,
And as your daughter, I hope that you know,
These sentiments fill me each day of the year,
And my love for you continues to grow.

Happy Birthday! love

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